![]() Michael Warr's books include Of Poetry and Protest: From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin (W.W. Norton), and from Tia Chucha Press The Armageddon of Funk, We Are All The Black Boy, and Power Lines: A Decade of Poetry From Chicago's Guild Complex. In 2017 he was named a San Francisco Library Laureate. Other poetry honors include a Creative Work Fund award for his multimedia project Tracing Poetic Memory in Bayview Hunters Point, PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award for Excellence in Literature, Black Caucus of the American Library Association Award, Gwendolyn Brooks Significant Illinois Poets Award, and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship for Poetry. Michael is the former Deputy Director of the Museum of the African Diaspora and has extensive experience in community-based arts. He became a board member of the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library in 2018. Follow his creative work at
邁克爾.沃爾的著作包括Of Poetry and Protest: From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin (W.W. Norton), Tia Chucha Press出版的The Armageddon of Funk, We Are All The Black Boy, 和 Power Lines: A Decade of Poetry From Chicago’s Guild Complex。他被評為舊金山圖書館2017年年度桂冠人物。其他詩歌榮譽包括其多媒體項目Tracing Poetic Memory獲得的創作工作基金、PEN奧克蘭Josephine Miles 文學獎、美國圖書館協會黑人核心獎、Gwendolyn Brooks重要伊利諾伊州詩人獎、和全国艺术捐赠基金会(NEA)詩歌獎金。沃爾是非洲僑民博物館(MoAD)的前副館長,在社區藝術方面擁有豐富的經驗。他於2018年成為舊金山公共圖書館之友的董事會成員。他的網頁: |
![]() Chun Yu, Ph.D. is the author of the multi-award-winning memoir Little Green (Simon & Schuster) and a historical graphic novel in progress (Macmillan) and more. Her work has been published in the award-winning anthology Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace, Open Doors, Boston Herald, MIT Tech Talk, etc. Her new bilingual poetry collection in English and Chinese and her graphic novel on Chinese immigration experience have won San Francisco Arts Commission Cultural Equity and Individual Artist Grants. Her work merges science, art, and spirituality based on her experiences as an immigrant from an ancient culture undergoing revolution to a new world of transformative science and technologies. She has won support from the Zellerbach Foundation and Poets & Writers etc. for her community work in poetry and writing. Chun holds a B.S. and M.S. from Peking University and a Ph.D. from Rutgers in chemistry, and was a postdoctoral fellow at a Harvard-MIT joint program. Her website:
俞淳博士是多次獲獎的回憶錄《Little Green》(Simon & Schuster) 和即將被出版的歷史圖像小說 (Macmillan) 等书的作者。她的作品還发表在獲獎文集《Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace》、詩集《Open Doors》、《波士頓先鋒報》、《MIT Tech Talk》等書籍和報刊雜誌上。 她的中英文雙語诗歌和关于華人移民經歷的圖像小說分別獲得了舊金山藝術委員會文化公平和個人艺术家基金。她的作品以她從一個革命中的古老文化到一個科技變革中的新世界的移民經歷為背景,融合了科學、藝術、和精神性。她的社群詩歌與寫作工作贏得了Zellerbach 基金會和詩人與作家等組織的支持。俞淳是北京大學化學學士與碩士,新城西州立大學化學博士,哈佛-麻省理工聯合項目博士后。她的網頁: |